Environment Protection Amendment (Banning Plastic Bags, Packaging and Microbeads) Bill 2016


First House: Legislative Council

First readingCouncil

Second readingCouncil

  • Second reading moved

    Click Here to View the Second Reading Speech

    Debate resumed 31/8/2016.

    31/8/2016 - a reasond amendment was agreed to: (1) referring the Bill to the Environment and Planning Committee for report by 8 November 2016; and (2) deferring the second reading of the Bill until after the Committee's report is presented. 8/12/16 - Reporting date extended to 25/05/2017. Report tabled 08/06/2017. 18/10/17 - by leave, each Member could speak up to 15 minutes on further debate on the second reading on the Bill.

  • Second reading passed

Committee of the wholeCouncil

Third readingCouncil

  • Third reading moved
  • Third reading defeated