Children Legislation Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2017


First House: Legislative Assembly

First readingAssembly

Second readingAssembly

  • Second reading moved

    Click Here to View the Second Reading Speech

    Under the Government Business Program agreed to by the House on 20/02/2018, debate on this bill must be completed by 5.00 pm on Thursday 22/02/2018. Debate resumed 21/02/2018.

  • Second reading passed

Third readingAssembly

  • Third reading moved
  • Third reading passed

Second House: Legislative Council

First readingCouncil

Committee of the wholeCouncil

Third readingCouncil

  • Third reading moved
  • Third reading passed
    The Clerk of the Legislative Council on 14/03/2018 corrected clerical errors in clause 41, changing section 144SE(2)(c) to 144SE(2)(b) and inserting a close bracket to section 144SG(2)(d); and in clauses 42 and 43, changing Division 3 to Division 2 and Division 4 to Division 3. The text of the bill online and in hard copy has been corrected.

Dealing with Council amendments

  • Dealing with Council amendments
    The Assembly 29/03/2018 agreed to the amendments made by the Legislative Council.

Royal Assent

  • Royal Assent given
  • Act number 11/2018