Public Finance and Accountability Bill 2009


First House: Legislative Assembly

First readingAssembly

Second readingAssembly

  • Second reading moved

    Click Here to View the Second Reading Speech

    The bill was initially programmed to be completed by 4.00 pm on Thursday 04/02/2010, debate resumed 03/02/2010 and the Opposition (Mr Clark) on behalf of the Coalition moved a reasoned amendment. The programming was subsequently changed and it was due to be completed by 4.00 pm on Thursday 25/02/2010. That too was amended and the completion time set for debate on the bill was removed. Debate continued 25/02/2010. Under the Government Business Program agreed to by the House 22/06/2010, debate on this bill must now be completed by 4.00 pm on Thursday 24/06/2010. Debate resumed 24/06/2010.

  • Second reading passed
    The reasoned amendment was defeated.

Third readingAssembly

  • Third reading moved
  • Third reading passed
  • Third reading passed by a special majority

Second House: Legislative Council

First readingCouncil

Second readingCouncil

  • Second reading moved

    Click Here to View the Second Reading Speech

    Debate resumed and amendments were circulated by Mr Lenders 27/07/2010.

  • Amendments circulated
  • Second reading passed
    The Bill was referred to the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee 27/07/2010. The report from the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee was tabled in the Assembly 10/08/2010 and the Council 11/08/2010. The Council again referred the bill to the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee 13/08/2010 and required the Committee to invite the Auditor-General to give evidence to the Committee on the contents of the Bill. The report from the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee was tabled in the Assembly and the Council 31/08/2010.

Committee of the wholeCouncil

Bill lapsedCouncil

  • Bill lapsed at the end of the 56th Parliament