Planning and Environment Amendment (Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution) Bill 2009


First House: Legislative Assembly

First readingAssembly

Second readingAssembly

  • Second reading moved

    Click Here to View the Second Reading Speech

    Under the Government Business Program agreed to by the House 24/11/2009, debate on this bill must be completed by 6.00 pm on Thursday 26/11/2009. Debate resumed 25/11/2009 and continued 26/11/2009.

  • Second reading passed
    The Legislative Assembly originally passed the third reading on 26/11/2009. The bill was subsequently defeated in the Legislative Council. On 23/03/2010 the Assembly referred the bill to the Dispute Resolution Committee. The Dispute Resolution reached by the Committee on 22/04/2010 was tabled in the Assembly on 04/05/2010.

Third readingAssembly

Second House: Legislative Council

First readingCouncil

Second readingCouncil

  • Second reading moved

    Click Here to View the Second Reading Speech

    When the Bill was first considered by the Council, amendments were circulated by Mr Madden on 10/12/2009 and by Mr Kavanagh on 23/02/2010. These amendments were not considered by the Council as the second reading was defeated on 23/02/2010.

  • Second reading passed

Third readingCouncil

  • Third reading moved
  • Third reading passed
  • Third reading passed by an absolute majority

Royal Assent

  • Royal Assent given
  • Act number 23/2010