Emergency Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2007


First House: Legislative Assembly

First readingAssembly

Second readingAssembly

  • Second reading moved

    Click Here to View the Second Reading Speech

    Under the Government Business Program agreed to by the House 09/10/2007, debate on this bill must be completed by 4.00 pm on Thursday 11/10/2007. Debate resumed 10/10/2007 and The Nationals (Dr Sykes) moved a reasoned amendment. Debate continued 11/10/2007.

  • Second reading passed
    The reasoned amendment moved by Dr Sykes was defeated.

Third readingAssembly

  • Third reading moved
  • Third reading passed

Second House: Legislative Council

First readingCouncil

Second readingCouncil

  • Second reading moved

    Click Here to View the Second Reading Speech

    Debate resumed and a reasoned amendment was moved by Mr Hall 22/11/2007. The reasoned amendment proposed by Mr Hall was agreed to 22/11/2007. Bill ordered to be withdrawn and redrafted to provide for the replenishment, by the Government, of all water from privately owned storages, used by the Country Fire Authority and/or the Metropolitan Fire Brigade to fight fires and to undertake other authorised activities